Guide to Shared Property Rights


Shared property rights can be a complex area of law to navigate, especially when it comes to commercial properties and business agreements. Understanding your rights and responsibilities as a shared property owner is crucial in

Crafting the Perfect Shareholders Agreement


A shareholders agreement is a crucial document for any company, as it outlines the rights and responsibilities of the shareholders and helps to prevent disputes and conflicts in the future. Crafting the perfect shareholders agreement

Do you need a licence to rent your property out?


Are you considering renting out your property in the UK? Renting out property can be a lucrative source of income, but it’s important to understand the legal requirements and obligations involved. One of the questions

bull fight

A handbook For Divorcing Couples


It might be difficult to determine that your marriage has come to an end. This article aims to provide legal and procedure information for couples who want a divorce. When marriages fall apart, there are

final order in a divorce

Divorce or dissolving your civil partnership


You can apply for a divorce if you want to end your marriage. You may also terminate your civil partnership by submitting an application. Both procedures are followed in the same manner. You don’t have